About us
BTS is the Irish service provider for the leading German micro-biological laboratory Dr. Hauss GmbH located near Hamburg. Through Biological Testing Service Ireland this service is now available to practitioners and other users across Ireland.
Who is operating this service?
Janette Pfetzing Donnellan
MSc Biology, Nurse, Homeopath and Naturopath mANP
I am the founder and Irish principal of Biological Testing Service Ireland. I have been a scientist for more than 25 years and working in this field for more than 18 years. Your results will be sent out by me and any questions you have regards the testing and the interpretation of your results will be answered by me.
If you want to speak to me, please call +353 89 477 49 98, weekdays 10am - 1pm.
Labor Dr. Hauss GmbH
All tests are carried out through Laboratory Dr. Hauss, Germany under the medical management of naturopaths Dr. rer. nat. Reinhard Hauss and Dr. sc. agr. Mareike Doering. In Germany all laboratories are supervised by the
health authorities.
Dr Reinhard Hauss, PhD Microbiologist
Head and owner of the lab for over 30 years. Visit:
Christiane Pies, MSc
Our very experienced laboratory scientist. Coordinating latest research and laboratory procedures, publishing articles and finding the answer to all difficult problems. Christiane gives highly qualified talks all over Germany, and her great passion is hormonal health.
The Dr. Hauss Laboratory Staff