- Other infertility problems
- Poly cystic ovarian syndrome
- Dry mucus membranes
- Itchiness
- Inflammation
- Irritable bladder
- Reoccurring bladder infection
- Incontinences
- Lack of energy
- Low mood
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Aggression
- Migraine
- Lack of concentration
- Change in muscle power/ tone
- Osteoporosis
- Acne
- Increased growth of facial hair
- Alopecia.
Female Hormone Check
This kit contains:
– Estradiol screen.
– Progesterone screen.
– Estriol screen.
– Testosterone screen.
Many women do not produce enough progesterone, which acts as an antagonist to oestrogen. The two hormones need to be in a certain ratio to each other for hormone levels to be balanced. If the progesterone is too low, the oestrogen has too much influence on the body. It literally dominates. The same is true when there is an actual oestrogen deficiency, for example during the menopause. The crucial factor here is whether the progesterone deficiency is even greater than the oestrogen deficiency.
Estriol is responsible for the health of the mucus membranes of the whole body including female genital and the bladder health.
Testosterone in women increase libido, muscular strength and energy. Increase levels cause male appears including the growth of face hair or thinning of the hair at the parting and front and sides. also indicated in Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. While too low levels will reduce the positive effect of Testosterone and lead to low energy, low mood and no drive.
They are indicated in all conditions above and additional indicate: